Special volunteering opportunity for longer periods

For true die-hards or genuine caretakers we in Wild Cats World have a special offer. We do offer people the chance to come and work for a longer period of time at our Spotted Cats Conservation project in South Africa. We give you the opportunity to spend time in South Africa and actually work with … Read more

Javan leopard release program – update July 30

Sad news from our Indonesian partners, Wanicare Foundation, at our Javan Leopard Release Program. A new male leopard was brought in at the Chikananga sanctuary. He was captured in the area of Ciemas, in a conflict with humans. Therefore… he will be named Ciemas. We will provide  more info about this unfortunate leopard as it … Read more

Javan leopard release program – update July 2014

From our partner in Indonesia in the Javan Leopard release program (wanicare foundation): Up-date leopards Sawal and Dimas. “Still no positive news to tell about the release of Sawal and Dimas. We are still waiting for news and… results from the camera traps the rangers of Ciremai National Park promised us to locate in the … Read more

Canned hunting lions to Madame X Project!!!

(not the ones on this photo) Behind the scenes we have several projects either started by us in Wild Cats World or supported by us. We already informed you a while ago about the celeb, Madame X, that asked our help to make her dream (and the one of some lions and cheetahs) come true. … Read more

New cheetah ambassador: Sunny

Soon a young new male cheetah will arrive at Wild Cats World. He will be named Sunny. Like the other two cheetah ambassadors at the Spotted Cats Conservation Project, Speedy & Spiky, also Sunny is semi-wild, or motherraised. The Wild Cats World cheetahs will live in huge camps far from the other WCW projects, to … Read more

Caracal video

Surf to a wonderful docu about caracal mom Tetha and her 3 adorable kittens, filmed on foot in the Addo, in South Africa. Tetha was released there and successfully raised this litter of kittens. Sadly she did die. Watch and enjoy – and get convinced that caracals should be in the wild, to survive and … Read more

Survival factors in living with lions

Cheetahs thrive, wild dogs don’t… Increases in the number of top predators like lions do not always affect the number of cheetahs in the area. A recent study looked at the effects of lion populations on other hunters. The number of cheetahs was not affected by the increase in the lion population but wild dogs … Read more

Javan leopard release program – Update April 2014

On ground level they are still working hard to make the release of the wild leopards Sawal and Dimas a fact. Sadly things in Indonesia are not going fast, as you can expect of a country with an attitude “if not today, there’s always tomorrow!” But currently there’s a meeting with Ciremai National Park to … Read more