Merry x-mas and a happy new year

The end of 2014 is coming near, the start of a brand new year, 2015, almost a fact. It’s an opportunity for all of us, to grab the moment and express our gratitude to all dear Wild Cats World supporters, the (symbolic) adoptionparents of our beloved ambassadorcats, sponsors of WCW projects, Madame X, our S.A. … Read more

WCW Proudly presents: NINA (II)

This is Nina (II), the daughter of our male Leo and his loving female Lea….. We named her Nina as the first female cub born in our caracal conservation project, alongside her lovely brother Thilido. The project is dedicated to our first female ambassador Nina who was intentionally injured and left to die by… (sighhh…) … Read more

Nice Christmas Present?

Like any non-profit organisation we of course also rely on kindness of sponsors and on donations/adoptions. With the ambassadors eating around 22 kilo fresh game meat each day, providing them with the best of care, medical treatment and camps/enclosures, you can imagine how much your support is needed and appreciated. Beside this we currently have … Read more

Up-date Canned Hunting X Project!

(WCW i.c.w. Madame X) Five Canned Hunting lions recently moved to a 100 HA safe place. They went ballistic their first moments with space and safety, and no more cuddling people or guns pointing at them and their relatives. This is what you call a rescue. Thanks Madame X for really doing something for these … Read more