Up-date Canned Hunting –X- Project

At the Canned Hunting –X- Project i.c.w. Wild Cats World work is in progress (and almost completed) to bring another two lionesses (not the ones on this picture, but pics will follow soon) over to the (over) 100 HA Land. Free from Canned Hunting and any other threats to live a free ranging and safe … Read more

Wild Cat Films: Sid & Louise, two gorgeous African Wildcats

The two (Southern) African Wildcats (Felis silvestris caffra, ‘vaalboskat’ in Afrikaans) shown in this video are Sid and Louise, and are Wild Cats World’s (www.wildcatsworld.org) ambassador wildcats. Recognition: the African Wildcat closely resembles a domestic cat (of which is it the direct and recent ancestor), with a grey or buff ground color and warmer tints … Read more

Wild Cats Films: ‘Meet the Caracals!!

Wild Cats Films: Caracals!! In our Spotted Cats Conservation S.A. project the gorgeous couple Lea and Leo did have a carefully planned litter of two cute and fast growing cubs: sister Nina and her brother Thilido. Meet this wonderful caracal family as we know many of you were waiting for a video for quite some … Read more

T-shirt campaign for Wild Cats World

!!!This campaign has been a true success!!! This campaign started on March 23rd and ended today. We thank all generous wildcat fans for ordering many of the t-shirts, which are all sent and soon to be delivered. You are a true support of the WCW team who is working hard – day in day out – … Read more

Volunteers at work

The stories of the Wild Cats World volunteers… Jason Lobdell Samantha Dann Walter Münz Melanie Koller Rutger de Lange Fiona Barnes Also see Volunteering at Wild Cats World. Photo’s made by volunteers and visitors on facebook

Discussions about the Javan Leopard Release Program

Today Wild Cats World and Wanicare Foundation/Chikananga Wildlife Center will have another meeting to discuss the progress of the Javan leopard Release Program. We will discuss new ideas, plans and possibilities to achieve what’s best for the Javan leopard species and especially for the three wild-captured leopards (Dimas, Sawal and Ciemas) in the Rescue Center … Read more