Feline (and Félipe)…happily expecting…

Monday, 19 October 2015, was a very exciting day for all at Wild Cats World and our vet, but also another very important achievement in our leopard project “The other side of the leopard”. Our dear ambassador leopard, Queen Feline, was examined and we decided to have a scan done to know a bit more … Read more

The other side of the leopard – WCW leopardproject: understanding, education, conservation. Step by Step.

It is obvious that the leopardspecies still is far less understood,and misjudged, compared to all other species. In the wild they for sure are under threat, but also in captivity lots can be improved for the species. There’s so many studies, so-called facts or scientific documents about the leopard. To start another project is only … Read more

Wild Cats World projects

All projects mentioned on this website are run by, part of and/or supported  by Wild Cats World. All projects have people working on ground level to keep track of the progress and to try and achieve the mission of the project. Coming time the focus will be on the S.A. “Leopard Conservation & Education” Project. Hopefully … Read more

Project in progress: Save the Pallas Cat (Felis manul)

At this moment there’s a lot of work in progress for the new Wild Cats World conservationproject to support the magnificent Pallas Cat (felis manul) in various ways. At this moment lots of ideas are discussed by all involved, like some essential European zoos with pallas cats in their collection, the EEP species comittee of … Read more

Black-footed cats, a species meant to get extinct?

Sometimes you seriously wonder if this statement is about to become reality. The species being so vulnerable and threatened, but as for the value of conservation, or (lack of) conservation, and the difficulties of breeding/keeping in captivity and lack of co-operation between the facilities who do breed/keep them. The few years we work with/for these … Read more

Welcome Max, African wildcat male

Today (July 20, 2015) we had a new arrival at WCW, “all the way” from CCT (Cat Conservation Trust), male Max arrived. He was glad to be out of the transportbox, and started exploring his new territory (or for now just part of it) straight on. Of course his mind was set on neighbourgirls Sid … Read more

Javan Leopard Release Program: Up-date about leopards Dimas, Sawal and Ciemas, June 2015

Our associate in the Javan leopard release program Wanicare Foundation/Cikananga Wildlife Center/Java, finally up-dated us with a bit more positive news. Not really much news to tell about the 3 leopards (Dimas, Sawal, Ciemas). They are all doing well, active, eating well. At Cikananga Wildlife Reserve they started with the design of the new leopard … Read more