Little Madiba, R.I.P.

In 24 hours the world lost 2 fighters: a great human being, Nelson Mandela (“Madiba”) but also our tiny little black-footed cat kitten. The surrogate (domestic) mothercat did an excellent job and the first days the weight increased but sadly the last 2 days he got it bad and stopped drinking. Beauty gave birth to … Read more

Black footed cat Beauty gives birth!

Black footed cat Beauty gave birth to 2 kittens. Yesterday one was born alive and sadly a second one today probably was still born. As Beauty still was in labour the whole day (night) yesterday she wasn’t interested to… take care of her kitten. As it was lying far from the mom the whole day, … Read more

DNA tests have revealed a new small wild cat species!

As a family, cats are some of the most well-studied animals on Earth, but that doesn’t mean these adept carnivores don’t continue to surprise us. Scientists have announced today the stunning discovery of a new species of cat, long-confused with another. Looking at the molecular data of small cats in Brazil, researchers found that the … Read more