We were told about many orphan wild leopardcubs that end up at reserves or other private projects, who handraise them and want to offer them a permanent home as acc. to them they cannot be released again. Sadly they often also offer interaction with these cubs!
To those we want to offer to bring the cubs (youngsters up til a year) to us as our leopardfemales and also males for sure will adopt them and teach them how tobehave like a leopard again. No more interaction with humans, but humans close enough for them not to get shy, so after some time (approx a year) they are suitable to go to (for sure) a Private Game Reserve. Not tame but also not shy cubs are perfect to live wild but protected and to be sighted on educational game drives, they make the best ambassadors. Even our captive born, but motherraised leopardyoungsters are suitable for this and soon move out.
We ask no money for this essential offer to help rehabilitate the cubs or youngsters, only compensation in the care (so best food and medical care). Of course their stay is meant to be temporarily, and we won’t offer a forever home. Our leopards (adults Feline and Felix) did adopt the other two others while still under the age of 1 year, and also adopted each other’s cubs from birth. This excellent opportunity we can only offer with our leopards, and if one is serious about wanting them to act like a leopard and live wild again, they must consider this offer. Of course Nature Conservation must be notified and give approval to this!
If interested e-mail to info@wildcatsmagazine.nl for the availability. We don’t take more than 2 cubs/youngsters at a time of course. Spread the word!