We haven’t published so many up-dates recently, so it is about time to tell you what we have been working on the past few months and what is
about to come. We have been working hard to extend the enclosures of the leopards, to give them even more space, and enrichment. Of course
Rome wasn’t built in one day, neither is Wild Cats World Sanctuary, so every time it is possible, financial wise, we will make improvements
for the animals. It can never be good enough.

We are also preparing ourselves for the arrival of 1 caracal and another 7 servals from Belgium (Natuurhulpcentrum Opglabbeek) who are
rescued in Holland and Belgium and they will get a forever safe home at our sanctuary with much more space and natural living conditions.
We already welcomed 5 servals from the same Belgian rescue centre; 3 in 2023 and in the beginning of this year another 2. They have all settled in great and so have the two caracal boys we rescued from a farmer who wanted them dead and captured them.
It is a sad situation that servals are kept as pet or to breed with in Europe. Illegal in Belgium already and soon in Holland too. They often
escape, or have to be confiscated. At times people give them up, finally realizing they are not meant to be pets. They are often kept in poor situations. People not always mean bad, but they are just not able to give the servals what they really need: a lot of space, natural diet and living conditions. Same goes for the caracal, but we are glad they are not kept as pet as much as the serval. To keep a caracal is not allowed anyway.

We are an ethical sanctuary, meaning we look after the (wild) cats and all animals in the best possible way. The animals have a safe, forever home with us. We don’t breed with them and will never sell them or have them move elsewhere. We still support and co-operate with conservation projects, like the Black-footed Cat & the Cheetah. We are very proud to say that the excellent genes/bloodline of our cheetah male were requested at a few Cheetah Conservation Programs.
As cheetahs breed difficult, and there’s never a guarantee on a successful breeding, we are more than proud to say that our male Sunny sires four very healthy cubs (boys) who are being raised by a very protective and caring mother. At the SA Conservation Project and not at our sanctuary of course. But it is a huge blessing to have the bloodline of our dear male, who is not the youngest anymore, but we hope to have him with us for many more years to come. And who knows what the future brings.

We still welcome volunteers, interns and students. In a limited way to keep it nice for everybody. We welcome max. 4 people at the same time. If you are interested, just write to us, also to check availability at a certain period. Write to: info@wildcatsmagazine.nl When the first new servals (and caracal) arrive we will give another up-date on this website and social media.